These are some of the techniques I commonly use.
I often combine techniques and will usually use more than one technique.

Dry, Wet & Stippling
The commonest from of blending I use is wet brush which works well for me when applying a new colour to a dry colour.
i use dry brush blending when applying two or more colours at the same time.
I use stippling to eradicate demarcations and when the image calls for it.

Creating shape, form and texture
I use power tools to shape the board and this may include creating holes or depressions.
I use filler to create shapes and/or substantial texture.
I use other techniques such as squashing and tonking to create subtle texture.

Pulling across the surface of fresh paint.
I use cling film, a plaster knife or other instrument which I drag across the surface to create a striated/swirling effect and/or to remove the upper layer of paint partially revealing a lower layer.

Flicking or dripping.
Either flicking paint from a brush or allowing it to drip from a brush onto the surface to create dots or a splodge.
Often splodges will be further manipulated perhaps by blowing or squashing.

Pouring paint onto the surface and then allowing it to spread over that surface or part of it.
I've had some success with this technique which can create some fascinating patterns reminiscent of those created by oil on water.
I plan to combine this with other techniques to create more specific designs.

Allowing paint to drip or spread.
This is part of the previous technique but I also do this to create a specific effect similar to rain drops running down a window.

Flattening wet paint
Using an impervious surface to flatten wet paint making it spread out and then leave ridges and/or create patterns depending on the viscosity of the paint.

Applying and then removing a pervious surface to wet paint.
Applying a pervious surface, I often use underlay, to wet paint squashes it out and then lifts some of it on removal revealing the lower layer and creating texture if the paint is viscous.

Creating a blotchy or cellular appearance.
If silicone oil is added to watery paint it will create a blotchy or cellular appearance. This doesn't work with viscous paint.

Using fine lines to build
up a pattern or image.
Fine lines can be used to enhance a piece for effect or to create a pattern or an image. They produce a very dynamic effect.
Using dabs or points of colour
to build up a pattern or image.
Dabs or points of colour are applied, either singly or in groups, to create the illusion of a coherent image.